Tips For the Chronically Late
Hey, that would be me. I am chronically late to everything. To work. To bed. And I JUST found this article which was pretty useful. I have to go figure out what kind of "late-nik" I am, but in doing a quick skim of the article, I found several descriptions of me.
"Have a Chronically Late Personality?"
"Have a Chronically Late Personality?"
There's also the "fast driver" category, as in, I'm rarely late because I hit 70 after I started out late. :-)
Still, I think I fall into the organizationally challenged category. It always takes longer than I think it will to do just about everything - and that causes me more problems than I can keep track of.
Oh, and Ros - I think doing 70 whenever you're late makes you a risk taker - are you sure you don't make yourself late so you can enjoy that fast drive?
And 70 is not a risk-taker, at least not in a CAR. Doing 95 one day last year to get to Sean's birthday party on time, THAT was risky.