A Reminder...

that sometimes I add photos to older posts, as I come across them.

If my history interests you enough to check, you can periodically click the "Added" tag over on the left there, to see what new photos pop up, though I really haven't added too many to date; a picture of the Professor with her puppy Baby, mainly. But today, I added a scan of my mother's appearance on the cover of Ebony Magazine. She was "almost seventeen." That cover resulted in a bunch of letters from horny men... some in the army... all who promised her love and devotion and marriage. It still amuses the piss out of me that she chose my father. I love him but he's "special."

Anyway, there should be some new Jamaica pix in the future. And I've decided that when I finish this year, I'll start next year by retyping the first half of 1977. Months and months of CrazyFamily entertainment to come!


LJ said…
How cool, that your mom was a cover model on a national magazine! :-)
Funny though, I don't know how to say this exactly, but you speak of it.
Your Mom doesn't look very Ebony. ;-)
She sure is beautiful, though. :-)
professor said…
thats the joke of it...
LJ said…
She appears (to me) to be a beautiful brunette caucasian woman on the cover of Ebony. Non-sequitor?
Still- how many people have a cover model for a mom? :-D
The Bear Maiden said…
Yeah, my mom's family was very very light... it's why I got such a kick out of them being "fiercely" "Black"... they never identified as anything else. And which is why I can't subscribe to the "race" notion...
LJ said…
I think that it is a deep seated human need to classify ourselves/identify ourselves with a certain label. Whether it be by our appearance, heritage, religion, career choice or something else- we seem to need to pigeon-hole ourselves. Pick one of our many facets and use that thing as our main "identity" or umbrella. So in that sense, I can totally understand your mom's family choosing to accent/amplify that piece of themselves and reflect it as more of the whole. We all have some level of need to belong, so we pick the "thing" about ourselves that is most meaningful to us and cloak ourselves in it. (I am generalizing here of course) I'm not the most articulate writer, so I don't know if this is making much sense. LOL Just tryin' to say that I can understand the drive to identify oneself...
LJ-who tries on various parts of herself and still isn't sure what fits the most.... ;-)

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