Nanopet update

As I said in my previous post, I'm great at "shutting down." I'm a firm believer in not wasting energy fighting losing battles, and my Sun is gone and it's a done deal. I can't stress about him being gone, and besides I know now that if f. gets a hair up his butt and does something dumb, I have Papers on my side. Yes, I worry about him; I hope he's getting enough sleep (which I don't think he is and so I'm trying to get the whole week off next week so I don't have to move him), he's certainly not eating any veggies, but he sounds OK. I talked to him last night at 1A. 1A NY time...11 CA time. The kid has barely had any sleep.

Just now when I checked the Nanopet status, he was across the highway from his father's apartment complex. Hopefully, it's just that the signal is being picked up by a different tower, because I sincerely hope that at 8A CA time he's still asleep, since he didn't get to bed till late. But I'm not counting on it. Last night when I talked to him he mentioned going to Legoland today.

In my opinion, his father is an idiot... but men do children way differently than women do *anyway*; even if the couple is together. And I accepted early on that his father was going to do things with him decidedly different than I would. And so long as he doesn't cut his hair or go against our kosher diet, I'm not not going to stress about it.

I miss him, though. Not too much right now because we've had weekends away from each other. I'd say mid-week I'm going to miss him very much. But being able to visualize where he is and what he might be doing is extremely calming to me... and my little man has been wonderful about not only keeping the phone on, but keeping it close so that when I call, he's mostly picked up.

In answer to a question, no, these GPS devices don't work unless they are powered on AND within the coverage area. And I also get the feeling that this particular service doesn't work when the person is in transit, like in a car. It's sort of a "spot-checker" as opposed to a "tracking" device.


professor said…
Maybe all those years of raising kids has hardened me, but I don't miss them when they are gone and I say "damn, they're coming back tomorrow"...I look forward to the time when I'm all alone in my house...I don't want to go away, I need them to go away...
professor said…
wait...GPS, I trust in God they are safe, and know that if they are lost or someone takes them, they will quickly return them and probably pay me to make sure they NEVER come back...
Nina said…
Ooo, I wish they had the GPS phones about 10 years ago, I do. That is a very useful tool, in more than one way.

I'm glad you're not getting a lot of fever this time, thus far, from f. I'm sure that when the Sun reaches the breaking point where the lost sleep catches up with him, he will let his DAD know. One way or another. Some DADs/parents have to learn the hard way, and unfortunately, the kids are on the other end of that.

PVs for you and Sun through the week. :)

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