Every Day In May #2

YATTA! I managed a second one. I was gettin' kinda concerned cuz today was "all over the place". But I found some time while the Sun was hacking away at his violin; I sat by the window and did a quick sketch of the view. Opus 118's new digs overlook the East 125th Street- Harlem MetroNorth train station. That big dark shape in the background is the Corn Exchange Bank building, an 118 year old structure that is in serious disrepair. Currently it's swathed in netting and in the front there is scaffolding. It's a beautiful building and it's too bad nothing has been done with it. It's looked like hell for years, and the winos have a whole city going on beneath the scaffolds. I think the drawing is crap but at least I got one done. Two down; 29 to go.

Anyway. Tomorrow it might be a photo, since I want to take my camera to the Sun's school when I go visit his Inuit Museum. He and his class have worked hard all year learning about the Inuits, constructing igloos from sugar cubes, and making a sled. I can't wait to see it.


Regina said…
Love the pics - I like what you capture in such simplity.

Where did the YATTA! come from? Just a little etymological curiosity on my part - let me know your origins and I will 'splain where I am coming from on that particular phrase.
The Bear Maiden said…
It came from "Heroes"... it's what Hiro Nakamura says when he first successfully transported himself to New York from his office job in Tokyo (see, I told you I was obsessed.) Then one day when I "googled" "yatta", I came up with a video on YouTube of this Japanese comedy band that did a song called "Yatta". And now I remember you lived in Japan... But really, it's a tribute to Hiro. so what's your take?
The Bear Maiden said…
Oh PS thanks for the props! This drawing was hard cuz I had to do it in a half hour, and colored it at home...
Regina said…
Ok - I don't watch Heroes (Gasp - I know - I am a loser) but I was wondering if it had a Japanese origin that somehow you picked up somewhere - it is kind of a celebratory "I did it!!!" expression of accomplishment - so you used it well...

Another interesting "English by way of Japanese" I found is "skosh" - and it seems to be a post WWWII intro into the English language - but my Nana used to say it so can't figure out where she got it.

language is so intereseting.

Here's hoping many more Yatta's in your life!!!
Regina said…
...spelling and punctuation are "intereseting" also!!! LOL! I used to be able to do both! You would never know these days that my BA is in English?!

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