Working Is Such a Time-Killer

...working for people other than yourself, that is. This morning I went to The Sun's school, to see their Inuit Museum. His 2nd/3rd grade class, and the sister 2/3 next door, did an absolutely *amazing* presentation on Inuit life and culture, with dioramas, clothing, models and written exhibits. I was really impressed; it was down right Fieldston-esque. At least the way Poppy describes his experience at the school some 60+ years ago. Back when I was researching schools for the Sun, I'd seriously considered trying to get him into Fieldston (uh, based on my good looks and the fact that they have scholarships for poor "black" children, cuz $28K+ a year is more than a tiny bit out of my budget range); Poppy always spoke so fondly of his days there. But Fieldston is clear across Da Bronx from us, and just wasn't possible any way I looked at it, particularly since I don't drive.

Instead, I found the Sun's current school, (which doesn't have a fancy website mainly cuz I haven't been able to get to it this year) and although like any place else there are some definite cons as well as pros, I can say with certainty it beats the hell out of your average NYC inner city Public School. And some "outer city" ones, too.

Just as an aside/future rant when The Voices help me put the thing together--I'm of the opinion that there are some pretty decent public elementary schools in NY. But Junior High is when the separation of kids along The Divide happens. Lately, there have been several articles and media bits about the state of middle schools all over the country, but it's especially true in NY, and I'm here to tell you... it's worse than they are telling you. Middle School is where "our" children--the majority of us with browner skin--begin to be short-changed. Sis hopefully will expand on the absolutely mind-bogglingly horrible experience she has had with our Flowerchild (aka Moodmagicbarbie) in Junior High. If she doesn't, I'll try. But I gotta save that for another day because really, the cycle of pain has already begun with the hospital newsletter, so I really have to get to that.

I was saying though, that working for other people sucks. I miss my friends at the Sun's school, I miss hanging out there and being around the kids and the teachers, I miss being able to sit in the warm sunny spring air and going to Staples or Dick Blick (one of my favorite places on the planet), or playing with my own damn art supplies. Oh wait, we don't HAVE any art supplies here; just the Play-Doh on my desk.

But... the Sun enjoys that Satellite TV...

And I got cool shoes and underwear (boy those new tripleDs have a made a WORLD of difference on my outlook on life. It has caused me to reflect that I am DECIDEDLY not getting what I want or need, and I aim to correct that. Look out baby--you shoulda NEVER let that Genie out of the bottle. The bitch was there for a reason....).

My creative endeavor for the day will be a photograph, but it will have to go up later as I don't have a cable with me to connect my camera to my work mac...


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