
Not sure what this means, but I got "reviewed" on

They rated me a 7.1 (seemingly on a scale of 1-10 and the low end of the "very good" spectrum), and "very good" (the top comment I saw was "Excellent". How cool! Thanks, whoever made that happen!

The only thing I found interesting was the category... they put me in a "culture/Native American/society" category. In the same category as Debbie Reese who seems to think the only Indian is a "claimed" Indian. Hope I don't piss anybody off... I clearly don't claim to be any one thing but hey... humans seem compelled to categorize.

They also said I wrote from a "Christian" point of view, which entertained me mightily...

but still. I got reviewed! Not bad considering this blog isn't a year old yet...

gotta sleep...


Job said…
wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how does one even get included in something like this? FWIW, I hate categorizing as well. Don't put me in a box. I wonder *why* people feel the need to do so....
Regina said…
Awesome on the rating - you have a cool blog - but not so awesome on the category... I so would not pick that from your content anyway!!!

I wonder if it picks up on keywords, because I am sure real people are not doing this - it is probably some algorithm?
Bonnie said…
I checked out Debbie Reese's blog. I am pretty familiar with her POV because I used to read a lot on a list about current Native literature. I do see that she is pushing Sherman Alexie (didn't know that he has a kids book out), and I think he is awesome.
S.K. said…

Maybe if they KNEW who you were you would have gotten 10 out 10. And you are absolutely one of my FAV BLOGS!!
The Bear Maiden said…
AW, you guys! You make me blush. Thanks for all the props.

And Bonnie, yeah I like Debbie Reese's blog a lot till she pisses me off :)! But I always check her anytime I hear about a "new" book on "Indians".

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