The Sun Without The Beast
I won't even go into how it happened... some of you out there know the story. It's not worth rehashing, and it's pretty painful.
Long story short, about four years ago in late spring, the BabyBeast was all cut off. Afterwards, I resigned myself to Life Without The Beast, but the Sun wouldn't hear of it. By July of that summer, he patently refused to go to the barbershop anymore. One day on our bi-weekly trip to visit Tony the barber, he screamed all the way up 5th Avenue to 128th street, and screamed so loudly that I finally relented. And nary a clipper has touched his head since. But this is what he looked like that summer....
It just ain't natural, I tell you...
Update, 8:30PM: I showed this post and picture to The Sun. "That's not me!" he said. "Yes, it is!" I said. "NO! That's some kid named Joseph! That's not me!"
'Fe true....
Long story short, about four years ago in late spring, the BabyBeast was all cut off. Afterwards, I resigned myself to Life Without The Beast, but the Sun wouldn't hear of it. By July of that summer, he patently refused to go to the barbershop anymore. One day on our bi-weekly trip to visit Tony the barber, he screamed all the way up 5th Avenue to 128th street, and screamed so loudly that I finally relented. And nary a clipper has touched his head since. But this is what he looked like that summer....
Update, 8:30PM: I showed this post and picture to The Sun. "That's not me!" he said. "Yes, it is!" I said. "NO! That's some kid named Joseph! That's not me!"
'Fe true....