Because I must...

Monday December 12, 1977
Psalm 46
Day 25
Lloyd (1973)

Got up medium. Dressed. Went to the Salvation Army thrift shop. I got a blue-red and yellow smock-sweater, a blue corduroy shirt, and a red knit dress. Then mom had to give me the purple corduroy jeans + the blue wranglers she had gotten for herself. Shopped. Ate. Rested. Then Aunt Sinah came. We're going out on Wed. Went to bag. Thank you, Mr. O.

I didn't write any food...

Bigbear still does that... and the Professor does it too. Buy stuff they like in totally the wrong size and then have to give it away. I mean, way not the right size. I do it too, sometimes, but the size isn't that way off.

I remember those purple corduroys. Purple has always been a color I liked, but the next year when I got to Junior High, purple was NOT a fashionable color, and I got hell for those jeans.

Tuesday, December 13, 1977
Psalm 47
Day 26

Got up medium. Dressed. Ate a snack. Went again to the S.A. thrift shop. I got a blue stretch nylon shirt and a cream cotton skirt. Shopped. cooked. Ate rested. Ate supper, put on p.j.'s, went to bag. Thank you, Mr. O.

Note: Pops went out Monday morn, and stayed rather late, and we went to get a snack. Pops went out Tue, too.

I have to ask Poppy where he was going. I didn't write any food down this day, either.

I also remember that nylon shirt. It was very trendy. It also tended to make me stink like crazy, cuz it was polyester. Old-school 1970's polyester. Not a good combination with pubescent hormones... I notice a trend in shopping at the Salvation Army every day (though "shopping" meant "food shopping", since we didn't have a 'fridge and had to buy food everyday, Euro-style). You see, this ties into my theory that being very rich and being very poor have one thing in common... lots of free time.

Wednesday, December 14, 1977
Psalm 48
Day 27

Got up medium. Mom helped me dress on account of the fact that I couldn't decide what to wear. Dressed. Cleaned up. Went and called Aunt Sinah. The D_'s aren't coming so Aunt Sinah came and we went tot he P(ost) O(ffice), then downtown to Liberty House + a health food store. Came back. Ate Pops put us (out?) and decorated the back room. Went to bag. Thank you, Mr. O.

I ate:
  • Breakfast: 1 cup honey tea, marbled cookies (1/2), 1/2 chocolate chip by Neighborhood*, p.nuts.
  • Lunch: 3 1/2 p.nutbutter cookies, soy nuts + pnuts + sunflower seed mix
  • Dinner: Rye Krisps, corned beef spread, pnutbutter grits, carrot+celery+sweet pepper+tomato sauce, string beans+carrot+walnuts+soynuts+lettuce+celery salad
* Neighborhood made the best damn cookies and pies you ever tasted. They were packaged, but they tasted homemade. Don't see them around the 'hood anymore....

And see, for the first time, I didn't know what to wear cuz I had too many clothes. Granted, they were all from the Salvation Army, but I was becoming quite the fashionista....

Man, we ate some weird shit. Peanutbutter grits? Good Lord.


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