I Don't Feel Well...

and so I'm going to attempt to go to bed early (-er than normal). I have pictures to post, things to work on, my desk to clean... the usual. Ain't gonna get done tonight.

My Poppy is doing OK... yesterday he hit the wall and was feeling low. I'd heard he wanted to skip out on some of his PT and the Professor wanted me to call him. I waited a little bit; I hate when the women in the family gang up on each other, but when I did call him I told him I was the "nice daughter" but that I was gonna tell him what I tell my kid when he cries about going to karate... "Man up! Suck it up and stop crying!" Only I hope I told him nicer than that... because I AM understanding and Lord do I know what it feels like to hit the wall.

He called me back later to tell me that since I'd been "cross" with him, he wanted me to know he went back and did a little more work. And I heard today he was feeling quite pleased with himself.

This journey's gonna be hard for all of us, at varying times... but we've made it through other things... we're gonna lick this too.

Well.. head's pounding and body aches so I'm out...


RoadGrl said…
a little tough love, no pain, no gain...
it's a long road for Poppy, but you will all do well... he's gotten rid of the sickness for now, so you all can heal...
much love
Babz Rawls Ivy said…
Sometimes you gotta tough love talk folks. Sometimes you gotta jumpstart them with a wall. and let them know sometimes they gotta go with what is...and move forward.


Love the music!
Sista GP said…
Hope all goes well for you and your family.

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