To My "White" Sisters...
the ones who've given McCain a boost in the polls over the last few days. You can't be serious. You can't think Sarah Palin is gonna be good for you, can you? You can't really be so set on seeing a woman president (which is a real possibility) that you're willing to risk everything strong women have really fought for all this time???
You can't see through what the Good Ol' boys are doing, by bringing her on? Can't see how GW and Cheney and McCain are grinning in the background... almost certain they'll get another 8 years to wreak havoc on the poor?
Can't see through the "soccermom" hairdo and glasses, and snide and sarcastic delivery?
I see the media is becoming infatuated with her, too... talking about how even though she's pro-life, she didn't actively seek to overturn Alaska's liberal pro-choice laws when she had the chance. Well, no she didn't... but she DID slash funds to a program geared to helping young unwed mothers...
And you think she's got a Special Needs child and so she'll look out for those of you with kids with special needs? I was blessed with a healthy baby... and I can't know the pain and hardship of what that's like... but I have watched several people in real life struggle with cancer and deafness and autism in their children... and I can tell you that they are careful to attend to the (very great) needs of their children and are not parading them in front of thousands of people at all hours of the night. And most of them took considerable time away from work--sometimes even quitting jobs if they could, to attend to all the needs of their little ones. They certainly weren't traipsing cross-country, leaving their special ones in the care of their seven-or-eight-year old older siblings.
The bottom line is... we're trying to elect a President. And while McCain is old... there's still a damn good chance he'll just continue to be Old. And President.
Just think about it. Do some fact-checking.
Don't vote for McCain just cuz you've been snowed by GunTotinCheerleaderBitchBarbie...
You can't see through what the Good Ol' boys are doing, by bringing her on? Can't see how GW and Cheney and McCain are grinning in the background... almost certain they'll get another 8 years to wreak havoc on the poor?
Can't see through the "soccermom" hairdo and glasses, and snide and sarcastic delivery?
I see the media is becoming infatuated with her, too... talking about how even though she's pro-life, she didn't actively seek to overturn Alaska's liberal pro-choice laws when she had the chance. Well, no she didn't... but she DID slash funds to a program geared to helping young unwed mothers...
And you think she's got a Special Needs child and so she'll look out for those of you with kids with special needs? I was blessed with a healthy baby... and I can't know the pain and hardship of what that's like... but I have watched several people in real life struggle with cancer and deafness and autism in their children... and I can tell you that they are careful to attend to the (very great) needs of their children and are not parading them in front of thousands of people at all hours of the night. And most of them took considerable time away from work--sometimes even quitting jobs if they could, to attend to all the needs of their little ones. They certainly weren't traipsing cross-country, leaving their special ones in the care of their seven-or-eight-year old older siblings.
The bottom line is... we're trying to elect a President. And while McCain is old... there's still a damn good chance he'll just continue to be Old. And President.
Just think about it. Do some fact-checking.
Don't vote for McCain just cuz you've been snowed by GunTotinCheerleaderBitchBarbie...
While I've often thought that the country needs a mom as the leader (after all, we clean up the majority of messes and this country is a mess), I don't think anyone is quite ready for this mom to be a leader. It will be an interesting election to watch, though.
LOL about cleaning up messes, cuz that's what we do... but I agree with you about not that particular mom...
It's not fair that she's slammed because she doesn't drop everything to take care of her kids. Slam her all you want for her hypocrisy and budget priorities and political & social ideas. But don't slam her for being a working mom 'abandoning her children'. Because, as scary as I find her, I'd like to think that she's just as much a mother to her kids as I am to mine, even though I also have a 'power career' and am at work more than I am at home (and have a part-time SAH husband).
I find it very scary.
So nope, not all white chicks are into her.
(Came by to see how you were doing on this day. Anjeanette)
My quibble with Sarah Palin as iconic Working Mom is that she doesn't really represent the lives of us normal working moms, especially those of us with special needs kids. She says she nurses while signing bills - how many of us get to keep our babies in our cubes with us? My cube-neighbors would go ballistic. How many of us get to bring our kids on our business trips and "expense" it to someone (she charged the taxpayers of Alaska). How many of us are willing and able to fly while leaking amniotic fluid, and to go back to work 3 days after delivery? Her vision of being a working mother is that yeah, you can work as long as you don't let things like pregnancy and delivery interfere in any way. Most of us are not quite that superhuman.
And as for the special needs baby - there needs to be someone in the family who takes on the special need - who researches the therapists and the types of therapies, does battle with the school district, schleps to all the appointments, does the therapy at home, and so on. Most likely she will have a nanny with some kind of sped degree who does all that for her. I have seen that here in this area, although it isn't common. ANd yeah, it will work but again, doesn't really reflect the lives of us normal special needs moms.
While I'm disturbed by the VPILF-type comments, I don't mind the criticism of her parenting choices because she has brought her parenting decisions front and center in the campaign. Flying her daughter's boyfriend to Minneapolis, and posing for People magazine with her family means it's okay to talk about her choices IMO.