By Popular Demand....
which is kinda nice.
I've had folk contact me and ask me why I'm not writing.
Mainly because my day is just too goddamn long... and by they time I sit down to write I'm falling asleep. Which kinda sucks... cuz I've got all kinds of things to ruminate on...
In the meantime, it took me about an hour just to get this out, and I've a ton of things to tackle. And THEN I have to go retrieve my Sun from Chelsea where he is in school. Ugh.
So that's why I haven't written.
But I need to...
The Voices are Chatty....
I've had folk contact me and ask me why I'm not writing.
Mainly because my day is just too goddamn long... and by they time I sit down to write I'm falling asleep. Which kinda sucks... cuz I've got all kinds of things to ruminate on...
- ...the new rash of gaybullying which annoys me because at it's core, the fundamental issue is bullying in general. I'm annoyed that gays are championing the cause like they're the only ones to be bullied cuz their different, when little "Black" kids and Native kids and Jewish kids and Irish kids and Mexican kids and any kid different from the "norm" have been bullied for years--nay decades-because they were different. Helloooo!!!! Can you say "LYNCHING," boys and girls???
Bullying is the new "normal." People talk shit about cyber bullying and being politically incorrect, when the entire ConservativeWhiteRight is systematically bullying the country, bashing the president (who really is carrying on George Bush's traditions, so it can only be they don't like him cuz he's "Black"), by any means necessary including the internet. I don't get the bully hype. I think it's hypocritical... - ...the Divide between the rich and every one else, particularly in New York City. Holy shit. People who are doing well are doing really well but every one else is suffering, and a lot of people are REALLY suffering.
- adventures in Housing Court (my landlord is trying to evict me--rather nicely I must say but still it's a little nerve-wracking)...
- adventures in the trenches looking for the famous and elusive "One Shot Deal" in New York. Turns out there is still such a thing, but good Lord if they could make you eat feces to get it, they would...
- much in love I am with my MiddleSchoolSun. Even though he periodically brings me to the brink of madness--forcing me to take several deep breaths and think how best I will exact my will upon him--I find myself adoring him. He's the cutest thing. It tickles me that he can stare me in my eyes now. His voice is deeper and deeper but still cracks...
- ...that it's weird to openly have two men in your life OK three... The other day we all were in the Parenting Partner's car... me, BigMan, PP and the Sun. It was uncomfortable for BigMan (and honey, me too). But whatever... the kid is happy. It's just weird. To go from "NO man" to three men...
- that I'm really an artist I know every reason I fought it so....
- ...I'm working to exhibit my pictures from Peru on November 6, on Saint Mark's place. Lot of work. Lot of planning. If it comes off it's going to be pretty cool but if it doesn't I'm kinda screwed...
- ...what it's like to fall completely and totally out of love with someone. The phrase "a thin line between love and hate" plays in my head. But it's not hate, really. At least not in my case. More like complete disgust. Like how you feel when you see a slug... your whole body WANTS YOU to pour salt on it so you can watch the nasty little fukker shrivel and melt. Odd. There are very very few people I've ever felt that way about... ParentingPartner used to be one of them. I've been thinking what made it change? Because I don't feel that way about him any more, but he worked very hard to overcome that. Or maybe I was just able to accept? I dunno... but I've really been thinking about it cuz for certain people these days the lack of love is visceral. And I don't really like the feeling...
- ...the Blendian issue...
- ...The First Amendment and how it affects the art of photography, in the age of digital...
- ...Marion Brown passed away yesterday morning. An important, creative, crazy but virtually unknown (kind of like Poppy to the jazz world) saxophonist, his image and his sound fill my earliest memories. I owe him a post... But since I can't I'll post the sound of him I remember most:
In the meantime, it took me about an hour just to get this out, and I've a ton of things to tackle. And THEN I have to go retrieve my Sun from Chelsea where he is in school. Ugh.
So that's why I haven't written.
But I need to...
The Voices are Chatty....